
Contributing Guidelines for

Development of this site takes place through GitHub. Adding new pages, fix content error, Website issues, for this pull requests are encouraged, provided they follow these guidelines.

Adding Content

Anyone can add or modify content of this site. Provided below guidelines are followed.

Content Error

You can modify any pages. If you are adding new information, then provide us a reference link for cross-checking.

Adding New Pages.

You can add new page on any topic. First discuss topic using contact form, and then add to Github repository or provide content using contact form and we can create that page on site.

Bug reports (issues)

If you find a bug (error) with the site, please [submit an issue here][Issues]. Be as descriptive as possible: include exactly what you did to make the bug appear, what you expect to happen, and what happened instead. Remember to check for similar issues already reported.

If you think you’ve found a security issue, you can responsibly disclose it to us using the contact form here.

Pull requests

If you have found the cause of the bug, you can submit the patch back to the Github repository. Create a fork of the repo, make the changes in your fork, then submit a pull request.


List of Contributors

People who suggested changes using contact form or in Telegram Groups. Let us know if your name is missing in below list.

  • Dee T
  • Jimmy
  • Tej
  • Amit
  • Mark
  • Yu Chen
  • and many more people from the Telegram groups.

On Github



How to Create a New Page?

There are two ways to create a new page on this site.

  1. Create a page and add to a Github repository, we will review and publish your changes. After that, it will show on this site. Follow above guidelines. You will need Github account to do this.
  2. Send a message using contact form. Mention details about what page you want. Also send content for that page in any format, txt, word or pdf. We will create that page and publish on this site.